Crafts · DIY

Rope Wrapped Bulbs

IMG_20150818_142026I am a Shopaholic!! I hate to admit it but I am.  I can wonder and lose myself in Hobby Lobby and Michaels for hours.   I go down each and every isle just to look at everything. I don’t know WHY (???) but I just do.  LOVE to look.  It’s kind of like watching Food Network, Cooking Channel or HGtv.  Yes, like a little kid in a candy store. (lol) I never know when a new craft idea will strike me.   Continue reading “Rope Wrapped Bulbs”

Crafts · DIY

Wooden USA Flag



Who likes hiking or taking nature walks?  We do!  There’s something about living in the country where I can take a walk or lay down in the grass and get lost in my thoughts just like when I was a kid.   We are surrounded by pine trees.  And everyday I open my windows to let in the cool breeze.  I pour me a cup of coffee in the morning and stare out the kitchen window feeling blessed.  Country living is the LIFE! Continue reading “Wooden USA Flag”

Crafts · Decor · DIY

Mirror Mirror on the Wall (upcycled)

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You can never have enough mirrors to decorate your home!  I am TRULY a shopaholic who looks for new ideas!  I just love to give things I find NEW LIFE and just a bit of whimsy!   These mirrors were originally gold, but I knew when I saw them they needed some color. 

   Continue reading “Mirror Mirror on the Wall (upcycled)”