Crafts · DIY

Wooden USA Flag



Who likes hiking or taking nature walks?  We do!  There’s something about living in the country where I can take a walk or lay down in the grass and get lost in my thoughts just like when I was a kid.   We are surrounded by pine trees.  And everyday I open my windows to let in the cool breeze.  I pour me a cup of coffee in the morning and stare out the kitchen window feeling blessed.  Country living is the LIFE!

Sometimes, I just stumble into things and later find myself creating something for my home like this piece of wood.



I knew when I found it that I wanted to create something with it.  I didn’t know what at the time but something. After looking at it for a few minutes.  It dawned on me that it should be a flag.  So I just painted from my heart.




This was any easy project since all I needed was the piece of wood that I found during my hike, paint and brush. And my heart to guide me.

If your like me that sees potential in something. Just do it and be creative. It will be beautiful!!




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